The Transforming Action of Female-Authored Tales in Contemporary Brazilian Society from the Pedagogical-Interventive Perspective of Conceição Evaristo
The contemporary tale of female authorship appears in Brazilian literature as a literary instrument capable of altering the status quod of the human being as an individual, thus contributing to human improvement. It appears and manifests itself as a cause and effect of social transformation: first, it assumes the claim of feminine writing itself that seeks its place in the pantheon of literature; in a second moment, like leaven, it raises the dough that stubbornly creates resistance to change and gradually expands the transformative possibilities that feminine writing is capable of operating in society, making her, perhaps, more aware of herself, of its essentially dialogical nature. The expression and valorization of the Brazilian short story is a sufficiently clear symptom of the appearance of a dialogue that is born in the intertext of female literature and manifests itself in the format of a dynamic plan capable of putting the whole man and woman on the route of a new axiology anchored in values tallest people who rise up in the fierce defense of a well-educated people capable of putting their country on the rail of development: women's literature will be, for the short story, not an end that ends in itself, but the privileged means of launching the good seed and hope that the harvest will translate into the birth of a more just, more fraternal society, anchored in humanitarian foundations.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Antônia Rosa Almeida , Levi Leonido Silva, João Bartolomeu Rodrigues, Elsa Gabriel Morgado

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