


The main objective of this study is to understand and analyze the valuations and opinions of the sports monitors of the educational quality of an After-School Sport Program in the Municipality of Segovia. For this purpose, we have carried out a qualitative research study in which there have been six individual interviews during the course 2016-2017 with monitors on scholarship and hired within the Program. As a main result, the monitors have said that through this Program it fosters attitudes of respect toward standards, the promotion of healthy habits , the maximum participation and equal opportunities of the students, integration of school-aged children, and a positive relationship with the studies, physical self-concept and transfer of learning to other contexts. The research allows us to conclude that this Sports Program presents an educational quality that contributes the adherence of the practice of physical activity while working on the integral development of schoolchildren.


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How to Cite

Lobo de, F. E. D., Arribas, J. C. M., & Pérez-Brunicardi, D. (2020). VALUATIONS ON THE PERCEIVED EDUCATIONAL QUALITY OF AN AFTER-SCHOOL SPORT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 13(3), 298–311.



Qualitative Research in Education, Technology and Society