Literacy(ies) from the Perspective of Meaningful Learning
The current panorama of Basic Education in Brazil, according to the results of PISA (2018), requires special attention from scholars and the government regarding the level of schooling proficiency in reading (literacy), because about 50% of students did not reach this proficiency at the end of high school, as is expected. Thus, we sought to verify if there is dialogue between the ideological literacy model proposed by Street and David Ausubel's meaningful learning to answer the following question: Is it possible to teach/learn (develop) literacy in order to make learning meaningful to the subject (student of Basic Education)? In the context presented, this article is a theoretical essay that is based on the analytical reading of important authors who work with the theme of literacy, as well as weaving involving Ausubel's concept of meaningful learning. The conclusion is that there is a need for the school to develop literacy in the perspective of the integral formation of the student.
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