Interlinking Concepts about Health in the Teaching of Cell Biology
According to the National Curricular Common Base, teaching about “cells” in elementary school II mainly addresses cell types and cytoplasmic organelles. Most of the time, these structures are presented theoretically, using textbooks, but without contextualizing how these microscopic structures are closely associated with our daily lives. The present work aims to find out what conceptions the 8th and 9th grade students bring about basic concepts of cell biology, such as those related to the history of science, cell differentiation, microorganisms, cell multiplication and healing. These concepts are the ones that we consider important to understand the organization and functioning of the human body and, therefore, fundamental for an effective scientific literacy. The research was carried out with 114 students, from 8th and 9th grade classes, from two public schools. A “three-layer questionnaire” was applied, where the first layer is a multiple-school question, with three alternatives, one being correct and two wrong. In the second layer, the student must choose the option that best completes (explains/justifies) the alternative chosen in the first part, and contains three alternatives, one right and two wrong. The third part is the level of confidence when answering the questions above, whether the respondent is sure of his answer in the first and second layers or not. It is noticed that students understand that animals and plants are madeup of cells, and these make up tissues and organs. The students showed little knowledge about the history of science, not identifying who visualized the first cells, nor can they connect that microorganisms have benefits, emphasizing only the harmful aspect for the human body. Finally, when presenting the cell types to the students, they had difficulties in identifying eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. When questioned about the relationship between the human body and microorganisms, the healing process and cell multiplication, and the inflammatory process, a decrease in their correct answers is perceived, as these issues involved contextualization and the need to interconnect two or more concepts. to answer. The guiding documents bring theoretical contents that are not contextualized with the students' daily facts.
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