Trends in Digital Games on Special Education
A Review of International Literature
It is a consensus that digital games go beyond the limits of entertainment, showing themselves as a powerful instrument for teaching and learning in different fields of knowledge. In relation to Special Education, many gaps are evident since the discourse of school inclusion started to be disseminated in the reality of ordinary schools, gaps that allow the insertion of digital games as allies to expand the possibilities of reaching a truly inclusive context in institutions teaching and society as a whole. In this context, this work aimed to carry out a systematic review of the literature to outline an overview of the scientific articles that present serious games that deal with issues related to Special Education and its audience. The purpose was to understand the approaches that have been used about serious games for the field of Special Education in order to know the possible contributions of these games to the public of students with disabilities. The Capes Journal Portal was the source of data used and, after the search and selection process, 16 scientific articles were analyzed that contemplated the established criteria. The results report games whose focus is based on the specificities arising from the condition of disabilities, in addition to highlighting the importance of work between game specialists and Special Education and the active participation of the target users during the planning and development of the games. The field of Special Education is promising and fertile for the development of digital games and it is hoped that this review will indicate ways to enable the development of games considering the demands that this field of knowledge presents.
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