Flowing in the Game
Exploring Gamification as an Engaging Tool in Education
Active methodologies, Gamification, Educational InnovationAbstract
Innovation in education has been widely discussed and questioned. During the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning has become an urgent necessity, highlighting the importance of digital education, particularly when social distancing is essential for saving lives. However, the inequality in access to educational technologies in Brazil exposes the difficulties faced by many students, demonstrating that simply having access to technology does not guarantee a significant improvement in teaching and learning processes. Given this scenario, it is crucial to promote a debate on strategies that can be used both in online and offline environments, providing educators with a solid foundation to enhance their pedagogical practices. One such strategy is gamification, which involves the use of game elements in non-playful contexts to engage students in the learning process. Gamification holds potential for creating an "optimal" learning experience, especially at a time when rethinking the school routine is necessary.
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