Level of Financial Literacy and Socioeconomic Characteristics:

an Analysis of High School Students in a Municipality in the Agreste Region of Pernambuco


  • Kécia da Silveira Galvão UFPE
  • Mariana Patrícia de Lima




Financial Literacy, Financial Education, high school


This study sought to identify the level of financial literacy and possible relationships with the socioeconomic characteristics of high school students in a municipality in the Agreste region of Pernambuco. The sample corresponded to 83 public and private high school students. The approach method used was qualified as hypothetical-deductive and the analysis techniques adopted were descriptive statistics of the data and the Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square tests with their respective post-hoc, the Dunn test and the residuals test adjusted, considering that they are more adequate to the data and to the achievement of the objective. The results indicated better levels of financial literacy among students, compared to the national average of PISA 2015. As for the relationships between socioeconomic characteristics and financial literacy, assessed in questions grouped by level and perspectives, it was found that gender, Age and educational attainment of students and their parents significantly related to the level of financial literacy. It was found, in summary, that students in more advanced years presented better performances. Contributions and limitations of the research are exposed in the text.


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How to Cite

da Silveira Galvão, K., & de Lima, M. P. (2024). Level of Financial Literacy and Socioeconomic Characteristics:: an Analysis of High School Students in a Municipality in the Agreste Region of Pernambuco. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(4), 838–861. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v16.n4.838-861


