Use and Valuation of Students' Questions:

Teaching Practices in Elementary Education


  • Simone Mertins Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS
  • Marcelo Amaral-Rosa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN
  • Valderez Lima Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS



Questions from Students, Teaching Practices, Elementary School, Discursive Textual Analysis


The aim was to understand the use and appreciation of questions in the classroom by teachers working in elementary education. It is a research with a qualitative approach. The corpus of analysis consists of extracts from semi-structured interviews carried out with six elementary school teachers from a public school in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil. Data were analyzed using Discursive Textual Analysis. The analysis generated 390 units of meaning, from which eleven subcategories and three final categories emerged: i) the use of questions to help the learning process; ii) the use of questions to help the teaching process; and iii) the use of questions to facilitate the development of the lesson. The categories indicate that teachers recognize the value of student questions for learning. However, they have limitations to teach through the question. These results underscore the importance of valuing students' questions in class. It is believed that such action, in addition to contributing to the improvement of teaching practice, can reduce the existing gap between school knowledge and the demands of society.

Author Biographies

Simone Mertins, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS

Dra. em Educação em Ciências e Matemática (PUCRS).

Valderez Lima, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS

Dra. em Educação (PUCRS).


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How to Cite

Mertins, S., Amaral-Rosa, M., & Lima, V. (2023). Use and Valuation of Students’ Questions:: Teaching Practices in Elementary Education. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(se1), 11–19.



Qualitative Research in Education, Technology and Society