Analysis of authoral digital educational materials in the light of technoteaching: aspects, perspectives and potentialities for teaching and learning biology
Educational technologies, Teaching methodologies, Teaching and learning, TeachingAbstract
With the increasing expansion of technological resources, it is necessary to think about strategies that include these tools in the formative processes, especially considering the possibilities for teaching Biology. In this perspective, Educational Digital Author Materials (MADEs) are presented as alternatives to promote, among other aspects, the engagement, proactivity and autonomy of students. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze how undergraduates in Biology, belonging to the Public Institution of Higher Education, use the concepts of Techno-teaching to develop their MADEs, with a view to improving the quality of learning. The present study is characterized as an exploratory qualitative research based on a careful analysis of two materials developed in the context of the Degree: a page on the social network Instagram and a podcast. The analysis made it possible to recognize in the MADEs some perspectives of use in the educational context, but also identified some weaknesses. An articulation between interdisciplinarity and techno-teaching precepts is perceived, establishing a parallel between the elements of teaching training and performance and technological devices. It is considered that the MADEs denote fruitful potential for approaching the contents, especially when considering the possibilities for teaching and studying Biology, while this research together can serve as a basis for future studies.
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