Cloud Tools in Higher Education: Literature Review
Education, Cloud computing, Virtual environments;, ICT, Organizational management, InnovationAbstract
Cloud computing has proven to be relevant to the area of Information Technology for education, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, in which this technological alternative, which carries dynamic and flexible infrastructure, provided efficient and flexible computing environments. In this literature review, we sought to present the integration of technology in the Brazilian context of university degree, with emphasis on the relationship between education and technology which, although not a recent phenomenon, had its interaction intensified with the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Large companies in the sector, such as Google, Microsoft, among others, expanded the offer of ICT in several domains and, not unlike, in higher education, seen as valuable allies for e-learning. During the period of remote teaching, due to COVID-19 in order to minimize the socio-educational losses of students, file sharing tools, videoconferences and virtual learning environments have become essential for the continuity of teaching. In this work, we verify that the growing integration of cloud computing in higher education is seen as an essential tool to help and improve higher education in Brazil. Its relevance in the current educational scenario, articulated with technological innovation, has been marked by challenges and opportunities.
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