The development of a technical-scientific- industrial modern civilization has brought a renewed interest in discussing the man and his place in the world. During the twentieth century, whether in art, literature or philosophy, there were many voices announcing the end to the future of man, or submission of your thinking to ever higher levels of alienation. The interest or even the need to question a mode of resistance able to bring the man back to himself gave different readings about man's place in the modern world. Among them, we highlight the interpretation of the human essence developed by Martin Heidegger. According to the German author, we must break with the traditional paradigm of subjectivity, which guided how modernity is understood the man. However, the intention of this research is precisely demarcate the consequences of this break with subjectivity for understanding the man and finally discuss their theoretical implications or more general philosophical. In fact, since man hoisted up the title of " lord of the land " seems like it is everywhere, when in fact, it is precisely in the field of technique he is the farthest from himself or essence. To reconnect with yourself, it is necessary to prepare for the advent of the new man, and is reserved for the art, it seems, opening paths in the dense forest that separates man from his authenticity. It behooves us, therefore, question whether and to what extent art can accomplish this task, or if, instead, we are expecting more than it can offer.Downloads
How to Cite
Pessoa, R. R. de A. e. (2014). CAN ART SAVE US?. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 6(1), 301–311.