Reproductibility and applicability of a method for evaluating the moment of inertia for effort tests in a wheelchair dynamometer




In order to test of a method for evaluating the moment of inertia in a wheelchair dynamometer, with 24h of difference, two evaluators performed the calibration procedure with known mass increments on both sides (right and left) of the prototype. Then, 6 healthy male subjects (weight: average= 67.14 ± standard deviation=4.41kg; height: average=1.73 ± standard deviation=4.41m), performed sprint protocol at maximum speed for 20s. The moment of inertia values determined by the experimental model were compared with the MI calculated by the theoretical model. In addition, the power values determined using the experimental model were compared with those calculated by the theoretical model. The results of the Bland-Altman plot and the intraclass correlation coefficient showed excellent intra-reproducibility results (r = 0.94, evaluator A; and 0.92, evaluator B; p <0.01) and interraters (r = 0.94, right side; 0.95, left side; p <0.01). The hypothesis test showed values statistically different from those of MI and PO those calculated by the theoretical model (P <0.0001). It is concluded that the system fulfills its role of calibration, proving itself as a necessary alternative for the control of the reliability of the data obtained in tests with dynamometry for users of wheelchairs.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, S. F. M. de, Bione, A. A. G., Oliveira, L. I. G. L. de, & Costa, M. da C. (2018). Reproductibility and applicability of a method for evaluating the moment of inertia for effort tests in a wheelchair dynamometer. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 11(1), 59–68.



Disability, Education, Technology and Sport