


This work shows a research about the conceptions of Environmental Education of newly formed sciences teachers from the course of Degree in Sciences of the Federal University of Paraná, Litoral Sector. The research was qualitative with interviews by guidelines with eight of twenty of the recent graduates. The interviews were transcribed and the method to analyze was Content Analysis. The main units of analysis that emerged were: integrated understanding of society and the environment; work as an activity of interest and employment with a focus on income; understanding of interdisciplinarity in the context of environmental issues and; Environmental Education with critical and emancipatory aspects. The outcomes show an understanding of work related to the dominant ideology through market principles. An integrated understanding of society and environment that involves environmental and social aspects. These understandings are interlaced with the understandings related to interdisciplinarity and Environmental Education involving critical and emancipatory aspects.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, C., & Silva, A. A. de P. (2020). PERCEPTIONS ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN RECENT GRADUATES OF THE UFPR SCIENCE TEACHERS COURSE. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 13(2), 216–224.


