Value-Based Approaches to the Development of Students' Intercultural Competence in the Process of Professional Training in Higher Education
value-based approaches, intercultural competence, higher education students, professional training, higher education institutions, vocational education.Resumo
This article investigates valuable approaches to developing students' intercultural competence during their professional training at higher education institutions. The topic is relevant due to the increasing number of intercultural contacts in the modern world and the need to prepare professionals with skills for effective interaction in multicultural and multiethnic environments. The article explores different facets of intercultural competence, such as familiarity with cultural nuances, adaptability to diverse cultural contexts, appreciation for diversity, and more. The paper places particular emphasis on the influence of values on students' intercultural competence. Five main approaches are presented, namely: the approach of awareness and recognition of differences, the approach of cultural relations, the approach of cultural understanding and adaptation, the approach of cultural perception, and the approach of cultural interaction and collaboration. Based on the proposed approaches, methods for their implementation are provided for acquiring intercultural competence in the conditions of higher education institutions. The authors report the findings of an empirical study on the implementation of value-oriented teaching and educational methods in higher education. The study included an experiment that tested the effectiveness of value-based approaches in developing intercultural competence during professional training. Four levels of intercultural competence acquisition were identified. Based on these levels, a comparison was conducted to determine the effectiveness of value-based approaches in acquiring intercultural competence during professional training at higher education institutions. According to Pearson's criterion calculation, the use of value-based approaches in developing students' intercultural competence during professional training at higher education institutions shows promise.
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