Educational Management in Higher Education Institutions:
Strategies for Quality and Competitiveness Management
educational management, quality of education, higher education institutions, Human Development Index (HDI), leadership, educational innovation, competitiveness.Resumo
Adequate quality and competitiveness management strategies in universities and other higher education institutions require a balanced approach to educational management. It involves setting clear goals and objectives, developing a system for monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching and research activities, and continuously improving the educational process. In addition, it is crucial to meet the needs of students, faculty, and other participants in the educational process while maintaining open communication with stakeholders. This comprehensive approach is necessary to achieve high-quality standards and enhance the institution's competitiveness. This study aims to consolidate theoretical and scientific-practical approaches to form effective education management strategies in the context of modern realities. Educational management involves organisational, administrative, strategic, and pedagogical processes to achieve high-quality education and efficiently operate higher education institutions. The text outlines the significance of developing cross-cultural competence, leadership, and digital literacy in future professionals. Additionally, it establishes a correlation between the Human Development Index, as a measure of education quality, and gross national product. This text outlines the main aspects of educational management in higher education institutions, identifies the primary levels of strategic development management, and highlights the dimensions of higher education quality and requirements for its assessment in contemporary realities. Additionally, it proposes methods and approaches to assess the quality of educational management in higher education institutions to ensure their competitiveness.
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