The Exploration of Pedagogical Approaches and Methods that are Designed to Stimulate the Creative Thinking of Students
creative thinking and creative work, creativity and applicants for education, pedagogical methods, рedagogical approaches, geographyResumo
The focus on fostering creativity in thinking is not exclusive to students alone; rather, the cultivation of creativity, observation, dynamic thinking, cognitive agility, reflective consciousness, and related attributes is integral to the educational experience within general secondary education institutions. Against the backdrop of evolving educational paradigms in Ukraine, aligned with European models, scholars and educators have increasingly directed their attention towards the exploration of effective foreign practices aimed at stimulating the creative thinking of students. The principal objective of this investigation is to scrutinize pedagogical approaches and methodologies specifically designed to nurture the creative thinking abilities of students. Additionally, the paper delves into various scholarly perspectives regarding the phenomenon of "creative thinking," exploring its etymological origins, operational dynamics, and significance for individuals both within the educational setting and throughout adulthood. Through a meticulous examination of scientific literature, pedagogical practices, and the framework of the New Ukrainian School concept, it is discerned that the capacity for creative thinking constitutes a fundamental "soft skill." The synthesis of insights from analyzed scientific sources, pedagogical experiences, and the principles of the New Ukrainian School concept collectively underscores the pivotal role of creative thinking in fostering a comprehensive and adaptive skill set for individuals in diverse aspects of their lives. The study's findings indicate that the cultivation of creative thinking in students is most effectively achieved through active engagement methods, which include collaborative approaches, situational modeling, problem-based learning, the project method, the formulation of key questions, associative thinking, resolution of research problems, and the utilization of the sevenfold search method (analogous to the game "What? Where? When?"). The examination of scientific literature and a survey conducted among educators concerning methodologies to stimulate creative thinking reveal a heightened preparedness among teachers to explore optimal avenues for nurturing creativity, energy, self-esteem, activity, academic performance, and other attributes inherent in individuals with a creative mindset.
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