The Role of Property Rights in Facilitating Voluntary Land Conversion in Vietnam and Other Southeast Asian Countries


  • Lam Ba Khanh Toan University of Economics and Law, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University. Faculty of Law, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Vo Hoang Yen Can Tho University



This research paper analyzes the role of property rights in facilitating land voluntary conversion in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries; provides a comprehensive review of the historical development of property rights in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries and identifies the factors that affect the voluntary conversion of land in the region. This research is purely doctrinal. Compilation of the data utilized secondary sources, such as books, articles, and other organization reports and surveys. This study is purely theoretical and interpretive in nature. the research illustrate that property rights play a crucial role in facilitating land conversion, and the lack of clear property rights can hinder economic development and social welfare. The article also examines the policy provisions in Vietnam related to land use and conversion and their implications for sustainable land use and development. The study highlights the need for effective policy frameworks, multi-stakeholder engagement, and a balanced approach that promotes sustainable development; and identifies future research directions to provide valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners in promoting sustainable land use and development in the region.




Como Citar

Khanh Toan, L. B., & Yen , V. H. . (2023). The Role of Property Rights in Facilitating Voluntary Land Conversion in Vietnam and Other Southeast Asian Countries. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(2), 454–463.



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