Eco critical reading of swedenborgian and arabian`s concepts in Blake`s selected poetry


  • Laiya Matin Parsa
  • Ali Salami Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tehran, Iran, Tehran University.



Blake, Correspondence, Constant Immanence, Ecocriticism, Influx, Unity of Existence


Blake has long been considered an inconvenience among eco-critical critics and many environmentalists have claimed that he cannot be considered to be an eco-critical conscious poet. At the same time there are other critics who try to manipulate and ignore some of Blake`s negative representations of nature and show that he can be enlisted in eco-critical readings of the present era. The present essay focuses on Ibn Arabi`s 'Constant Immanence' and 'Unity of Existence' and Emanuel Swedenborg`s notions of 'Correspondence' and 'Influx' to unearth the long existing correlation between human kind and his/her stance toward nature in Blake`s selected poetry. Promoting such ecocritical viewpoint based on philosophical perceptions of Ibn Arabi and Swedenborg in Blake`s selected poetry might reveal the total submission to spiritual awareness as this God centric ideology does not let anything except reverence toward the environment as it is the epitome of God, the absolute creator.


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Como Citar

Matin Parsa , L. ., & Salami, A. (2023). Eco critical reading of swedenborgian and arabian`s concepts in Blake`s selected poetry. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(3), 675–684.



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