



It is considered in the context of this article the growing scientific development, fast and complex contemporary society, the profile of the students of the 21st century and, consequently, the demands of Higher Education arising from this reality. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze whether the use of ICT and the resources derived from them have resulted in effective changes in the formal scenario of the teaching and learning processes of Higher Education or only offer an appearance of updating. The research carried out is a systematic review of the literature, in which key words were searched in journals indexed with scientific databases relevant to the scientific community, which allowed the identification of practices related to the requirements prioritized in the analysis proposed from published articles in scientific. 62 articles were selected from a primary sample of 450 located from a systematic search process. We present the public that compose the main sample groups of the revised works, the percentage of intentional and occasional learning in them, the types of practices and resources most used and the resources most used for the formal learning processes in Higher Education. It is highlighted if the existence of practices related to the informational construction of knowledge is still present but demonstrating a strong tendency towards more formative practices of knowledge construction. The results showed a complex scenario of apparent transition, in which most of the research is quantitative, focused on the protagonism of the students (learning processes) and highlights the heterogeneity and update of technological resources to promote the teaching and learning processes of different contents, methodologies and strategies. Although informative practices and occasional learning outcomes are still present, the emphasis is placed on the predominance, on an ascending scale, of formative, intentional, and propositional practices. Also on a growing scale it is observed that the methodologies and strategies used, which use ICT, are promoting changes in the teaching and learning processes, since the traditional contents appear permeated or accompanied by several skills and competences identified as closer to the student of the 21st century.

Biografias Autor

Simone Aparecida Tiziotto, Universidade de São Paulo, USP

Doutora (2018) e mestre (2014) em Economia, Organizações e Gestão do Conhecimento pela Universidade de São Paulo, pós-graduada em Psicopedagogia no Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem (2005) em graduada em Pedagogia (2002). Atua como consultora para elaboração de processos técnicos, assessora pedagógica e docente em cursos de Educação Superior. Em seu currículo Lattes os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: Ciências Humanas; Educação; Ensino-Aprendizagem; Educação a Distância; Material Didático; Educação Superior; Design Universal para a Aprendizagem.

Edson Walmir Cazarini, Universidade de São Paulo

Edson Walmir Cazarini é graduado em Engenharia Mecânica (1971), mestre em Ciências da Computação (1976) e doutor em Engenharia Mecânica (1992), todos, pela Universidade de São Paulo.


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Como Citar

Tiziotto, S. A., & Cazarini, E. W. (2018). LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE XXI CENTURY: THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY HAS CHANGED THE SCENARIO OF LEARNING PROCESSES OR ONLY GAVE THE APPEARANCE OF MODERNITY?. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 11(2), 334–345. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v11.n2.334-345


