Women academics in ukrainian tertiary education: gendered image of occupational segregation





The representation of women in the managerial structure of the Ukrainian universities is the exception, rather than the rule. They are assigned to those sectors of university functioning that do not provide access to the management of resources (e.g. educational work), very rarely – position of deans of faculties and heads of chairs. After the analysis of conducted in-depth interviews with female and male rectors, vice-rectors and deans, some reasons for it could be mentioned: the influence of stereotypes (a successful woman in science is unsuccessful in family life; a woman is too emotional to be an effective leader), the insufficient activity of the women's (feminist) movement in the scientific space of Ukraine, uneven representation of women at all levels of university management. Vertical and horizontal occupational gender segregation is a mark of higher education system of Ukraine. The reasons are not only the overloading of women-researchers with housework, which does not allow them to compete with men successfully but also the effect of the “glass ceiling”, which is very acute in higher education institutions.


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Como Citar

Medina, T., Plotnikov, Y., & Zagoruiko, L. (2021). Women academics in ukrainian tertiary education: gendered image of occupational segregation. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14, 31–44. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v14.se1.2021.31-44



Gender, Research and Higher Education