Who is Afraid of ChatGPT?
Reflections on the Impacts of New AIs on Social Life and in Academia
ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, Social impacts, Academic practice, Sociology of knowledgeAbstract
The beginning of the third decade of the 21st century has been marked by the emergence of new machine learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Among these systems, the one that has gained the most notoriety is ChatGPT, a virtual robot created by the technology company OpenAI, designed for conversation with humans. As a generative system, ChatGPT can create various types of texts, such as letters, poems, scientific articles, and even books. For this reason, since its launch, it has been at the center of various controversial debates related to the consequences of new AIs on the future of humanity. Method: In light of these discussions, this article aims to reflect on some of the social impacts that generative systems like ChatGPT have on social life, as well as on academic practice from an analysis of interpretive digital sociology. Results: The scope of the Fifth Revolution (Industry 5.0), ChatGPT already presents relevant impacts on uses in the academic field such as authoring with AI, plagiarism, among others. Conclusion: Due to the rapid emergence of the use of ChatGPT and other AIs in the academic field, it becomes fundamental to critically evaluate the type of interaction between academia and new technologies.
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