Perceptions of Trainers and Trainees of the Integrated Program for the Reform of Vocational Education in Mozambique
Technical-Professional Education, Reform, Innovation, PartnersAbstract
This exploratory and descriptive study, following a qualitative approach, seeks to identify and describe the innovations of the technical-professional education reform based on interviews with four professionals in the area, selected by convenience. The research took place at the Industrial Institute of Maputo, a Vocational Technical Education Institution, of medium level and industrial branch, located in the capital of the Republic of Mozambique. The data collected through the interviews applied to the participants in this study were subject to content analysis and the themes, or central categories of the research, were obtained through a mixed categorization grid. The unit of analysis consists of paragraphs and sentences from the interviewees' statements. Throughout the entire research, ethical issues were strictly observed and, in the end, the validation of the transcripts of the interviews by the interviewees was carried out. The results obtained portray the innovations brought in the training process, as well as the perceptions of the trainers and trainees of the integrated programme of vocational education reform in Mozambique. These innovations are centered on the Standardization Policy, as it has a national catalog of qualifications; recognition of professional experiences; management of technical-professional education carried out by partners, private entities and the government, when previously management was only carried out by the government.
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