The new technologies of information and communication led to a democratization of knowledge through the exchange of information process occurring due to the facilities and resulting mobility with such digital technologies and the internet. The increased availability of undergraduate and postgraduate distance possible, too, that new people conquer their college degree. In this sense, the objective of this paper is to analyze the interaction of students graduating from degree in Rural Development (Plageder) by means of information and communication in the teaching-learning in virtual learning environment technologies. Specific objectives are traced to identify the profile of graduates of Plageder; check how the student interaction and interactivity with the DL occurs; and examine the trend of student transfer the acquired knowledge on rural development for the field by drawing a parallel between the first and second edition of the course. For the research, a case study with 148 students Plageder was made, through online questionnaire sent to their emails. In general, the course enabled students to complete a course of higher education, however, despite the Plageder be a course eminently rural studies, designed to be applied in this context, the course allowed the graduates have greater contact with the countryside from the acquired knowledge and work possibilities that this presents.References
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