Flipped classroom: reconstructing the teaching and learning process through an active methodology
The proposal of the flipped classroom is that the student has the first contact with the content through pre-class activities. The classroom becomes the place to clarify doubts and deepen knowledge in practical activities such as problem solving, projects and group discussion. This article presents a literature review that aims to reflect on the flipped classroom as an active methodology and the changes and impacts of its use for the teaching and learning process. It is concluded that the purpose of the flipped classroom is to favor a better use of time and space in the classroom, encouraging the active student, with reflective thinking and greater interaction between students and between them and the teacher. This can lead to positive impacts, such as greater conceptual understanding, development of critical thinking and reducing the number of failures. On the other hand, negative points may arise, such as an increase in the number of hours of previous study and the student's difficulty in adapting to the logic of inversion of classes.References
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