Trapped indoors: maternity(es), science and COVID-19
This text gives account of the tensions and contradictions emerging from the need to respond to motherhood and respond to the demands of the scientific activity, at a time when the boundaries between the domestic-family and the work public are being erased, leaving to know how women keep think of themselves and we continue to think of ourselves as exclusively responsible for care, as motherhood continues to be central for the configuration female identities. The text counts with the analysis of comments on informative websites, as well as information provided by a netnography made on Facebook, based on the comments of by academic women make and which express the discomforts about the double, or triple burden, they have to perform, indoors. The analysis allows to highlight the existence of an ideal traditional model of motherhood, which is in tension with autonomous and independent female professional identities that, given the confinement derived from the pandemic, becomes more visible, making also more evident the strategies and the difficulties in terms of professional and personal times.References
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