Reflections about a Scientific Dissemination Web Conference on Astrobiology
Life, Teaching, Interdisciplinary, Video, AstronomyAbstract
This article aims to investigate the realization of the web conference entitled “Search for biosignatures on planetary surfaces” given by Professor Douglas Galante, in 2021. In particular, the conceptions of the participants of this event on the topics covered were examined. To theoretically support this research, a review of existing scientific literature was carried out using the “Google Scholar” search tool, using terms such as “astrobiology”, exobiology” and “science teaching” as keywords. The methods used to plan and carry out the investigated web conference were characterized in detail. The results of this action were discussed in two ways. First, by examining the data associated with the video recording of the web conference that can be obtained by the YouTube Analytics tools. Second, by analyzing and interpreting the patterns of responses given by 17 web conference participants who voluntarily answered questions in a questionnaire made available during the broadcast, through the link of a “Google Form”. The data obtained were interpreted in the light of the existing scientific literature on the topics covered. The realization of this remote scientific dissemination activity allowed us to understand the significant pedagogical potential of Astrobiology, mainly due to its interdisciplinary nature and its motivating character.
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