
  • Ivete Souza da Silva University of Minho



The following article is a clipping from my post-doctoral research that is being conducted in the field of Education. It aims to create educational/performative propositions that address intercultural issues based on narratives already produced by the people of the Brazilian cities of Boa Vista-RR and Florianópolis-SC. His methodological outline is based on Hélio Oiticica's ideas and is in accordance with the concept of "ambiance" contained in his Environmental Program, where he "proposes a total, complete manifestation of the artist in his creations, which could be propositions for the participation of the spectatorâ€(Oiticica, 2011, p.81). Its construction will take place through lines and embroideries from fragments of texts, music and / or visual works that contain cultural elements constituting the identities of the peoples of the states of Roraima and Santa Catarina, and especially of their capitals, establishing intercultural dialogues between North and South of Brazil. The creations are being thought from an aesthetic of delicacy, as proposed by Denilson Lopes (2007, pp.29-30) "hybrid, intertextual, transemiotic, multimedia, centered on categories and transversal concepts". Lines, fabrics, needles, looms and bobbins are good elements to deal with delicacy. I venture to say that there is nothing better than to tell the knowledge produced in the narratives here and thereby sewing and gently hybridizing them. They can be the narratives themselves since they have cultural knowledge. The act of embroidering, as well as the delicacy, is "a minor gesture" that makes us experience slowness, care, patience and also gives us the freedom to play with memories, affections, establish concepts, categories. Embroidery is a constant invitation to simplicity, appreciation or the look for small things, in the same way, causes us to the difficult exercise of trimming edges, avoiding excesses or ... look at the edges and excesses from another perspective, since often the most beautiful side of the embroidery is inside out. Cultural/ethnic/conceptual encounters and clashes are far from being temporarily distant from us. Instead. We are immersed in this time, and in order to cross it, we must reinvent ourselves and be able to see the "lightness present even in the midst of the greatest lack of control. In the midst of delirium, of the world, walk as if on the edge of a placid lake†(Lopes, 2007, 77). Several are "the people of Brazil" and their identities and intercultural processes. Knowing and understanding these processes is of great importance for us to think about an education that is attentive to the knowledge and actions of its peoples.


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