Application of neuroscience and cognitive studies in psychology


  • Zahra Jamalpour Alborz University of Medical Science, Iran
  • Parisa A. Khodarahmi School of Pharmacy, Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines
  • Hamed Jamalpour Karaj Islamic Azad University, Iran
  • Evgeniya Kuzhilnaya Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russia



Neuroscience, Cognitive Studies, Psychology, Human Behavior


In recent years, interest in using neuroscientific tools and techniques to study human behavior has increased. Many psychology researchers have tried to emphasize the influential role of brain processes in people's decisions and performance by using terms such as organizational cognitive neuroscience. While the previous teachings have emphasized the importance of the concept of schemas or mental templates as the infrastructure of new learning, cognitive neuroscience is looking for how knowledge, insight and experience are processed in the brain and how the neural connections in the brain cause learning and provide new behavior. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine and introduce neural strategy in different stages of human behavior and its application in people's jobs and lives by reviewing the work done and categorizing neuroscience techniques.


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How to Cite

Jamalpour , Z. ., Khodarahmi, P. A. ., Jamalpour, H., & Kuzhilnaya, E. . (2024). Application of neuroscience and cognitive studies in psychology. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(1), 351–359.



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