The likert scale in measuring ICT and Social Exclusion


  • Martha Patricia Astudillo Torres Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
  • Florlenis Chevez Ponce Universidad de Costa Rica



The objective of this article is to present the results of an investigation in which a Likert-type scale is applied, used to measure the perspective that students of the Civil Engineering career at a Mexican university have about the use of ICT. To do this, a previously piloted scale is used that includes reagents, referring to the use of Information and Communication Technologies in relation to the exclusion of students in this career. To perform the data analysis, the Rasch model was used, although it should be noted that a previous step was the descriptive statistical analysis to contribute to decision-making regarding the behavior of the data. The main findings indicate that the student population participating in this research states that there is a positive perspective on the use of ICT and the social exclusion that this can generate, likewise, the scores derived from the analysis allow us to indicate that the items used They do not present imbalances and indicate values that affirm high levels of perception of the student body regarding the relevance of ICT as an axis of the exclusion of university students.


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How to Cite

Astudillo Torres, M. P., & Chevez Ponce, F. (2021). The likert scale in measuring ICT and Social Exclusion. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14(3), 375–383.


