Learning objects to improve the use of word processor tools


  • Rodrigo Plotze Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP
  • Artur Alves Fontes Teixeira Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP




word processor, learning objects, tools


The present work aimed to develop Learning Objects (LO) that facilitate the use of tools available in word processing programs: Microsoft Word, Libre Office Write and Google Docs. These objects were intended for the training of professors of a university in the interior of São Paulo because they have much of their activities related to textual production, such as the preparation of classes, didactic materials, reports and scientific articles. It was found that most teachers did not seek courses or help to understand the use and functionality of Word Processors and that the most common way to know the program is trial and error, and the use of tutorials and articles on the Internet is the most common way of understanding a specific tool or function. The OAs were developed in videos demonstrating the use of the basic tools in all processors studied. For data collection a specific research instrument was developed and validated using Cronbach's alpha method. After validation, data were collected and analyzed with the Wilcoxon test. Following this route we can effectively answer if the material produced in this work contributed to the learning about the selected tools of word processors.


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How to Cite

Plotze, R., & Teixeira, A. A. F. (2024). Learning objects to improve the use of word processor tools. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(1), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v17.n1.11-21


