Concepts characterizing the spiritual world of a person in phraseological units with onomastic component in tatar, turkish and english languages


  • Diana F. Kajumova
  • Aida G. Sadykova Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
  • Diana N. Demirag
  • Gulnara Kh. Aleeva
  • Nailya R. Khairullina
  • Diana I. Khripkova
  • Mehri S. Yagmurova



phraseology, concepts, linguistics, languages


The article is devoted to comparative analysis of phraseological units describing the spiritual world of a person in Tatar, Turkish and English languages. The concepts of the spiritual world of man are of interest for studying the linguistic picture of the world of three different structured languages. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that phraseological units are one of the most difficult studies in science linguistics. This study is devoted to the comparative consideration of concepts characterizing the spiritual world of a person through the prism of phraseological units in Tatar, Turkish and English linguistics. The study was conducted at the intersection of linguocognitive, anthropocentric, structural-semantic, communicative-functional paradigms involving a large volume of ethnocultural information of each language.


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Como Citar

Kajumova , D. F. ., Sadykova, A. G., Demirag , D. N. ., Kh. Aleeva , G. ., Khairullina , N. R. ., Khripkova , D. I. ., & Yagmurova , M. S. . (2024). Concepts characterizing the spiritual world of a person in phraseological units with onomastic component in tatar, turkish and english languages . Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(1), 424–432.



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