The strengthening of technical education in Brazil, by the creation of the Federal Institutes (Law 11.892/2008), brings a new and growing reality for Spanish teachers: the challenge of working in an educational context whose proposal is based on vertical integration. In this scenario, a teacher can teach at different levels of education (from Secondary Education to Postgraduate Education) at the same institution. The aim of this paper is to describe the context of teaching Spanish in secondary technical courses, in the integrated, concomitant and sequential modalities, at two campuses of a Federal Institute in the south of Brazil. Furthermore, reflections on some specifics of this educational level in Vocational and Technological Education (VTE) and on the demands generated by such specifics are presented. The methodological approach adopted in this study is qualitative descriptive, since the research consists in describing aspects of a social environment (the institution, the school) with which the researcher is clearly interwoven. Our analysis is based on theoretical frameworks that address Language Policies, especially the educational ones (KAPLAN; BALDAUF, 1997; MENKEN; GARCÍA, 2010). The study deals with the aspects that should be considered when making decisions regarding the course planning, methodological choices and consequent development of teaching materials, as well as provides guidelines on how to handle the unique context of VTE.References
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