This paper explores the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in an educational institution. Its objective is to understand the relationship between students, parents, and teachers when using the digital platform, as well as to verify how each one of them appropriates the technological tool. Reflection is based on the premise that the accelerated pace of technological innovation requires that people increasingly assimilate their potential not only in the business field but also in the scholar communities. More than presenting concepts and theories on ICT (KERCKHOVE, 1995, MACHADO, 2004; VEEN, VRAKKING, 2009; MORAN, 2015, and others), the article carries out an empirical research exercise in which the authors conduct observations to the digital platform of a private school in the city of Taquara (Brazil), besides applying a questionnaire with three parents, three students and one teacher of a 4th-grade class in the same school. This research aims to understand if the classes are more attractive, interactive, collaborative and, especially if there is a greater engagement of parents, students and the teacher due to the possibility of digital connections between them. In short, the results pointed out that the digital platform encourages practices with active methodologies in and outside the classroom (at home). In the universe researched, it was also identified that interactions with digital media encourage student autonomy, but parents could use it to become more involved in the process of learning with their children.References
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