The current paper proposes an analysis of the Luthiery as a pedagogic tool in the musicalization process and cognitive development of students from preschools and elementary schools and also to citizens in general. For this study two environments were observed: 1) the workshops for the construction of “pandeiros†(Brazilian tambourines) and body percussion of a public elementary school in the State of Goias, that occurred as an initiative of the PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência); 2) the workshops for the construction of drums and percussion instruments and singing of a cultural project of the Neighborhood Association of Jardim Novo Mundo, east region of Goiânia. For the analysis of data, an action research with a qualitative approach was chosen. Interviews with open and closed questions were made to evaluate the perception of the students regarding the act of building the musical instruments and also their general relation to music. With the objective of historically relating the Luthiery with pedagogic methods and their teaching - learning processes, a bibliography was consolidated regarding methodologies for teaching music with a focus on the construction of musical instruments, as well as the integral development of the human being with Gainza, Rey, Saviani and Paulo Freire as main references. For this purpose, a synthesis of the pedagogic and educational theories through the construction of musical instruments was pursued. Another objective was the consolidation of materials related to the cognitive development in the pedagogic practice, both as theory and practice, for the enrichment of the discussion of educational practices permeated by music through the luthiery, both in specific areas (such as music and luthiery disciplines themselves) as well as in cross-discipline areas (like mathematics, history and others). Thus, this paper has the objective of showing the pedagogical possibilities and contributions of the luthiery for the area of musical education.References
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